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Effective Date: September 2013

This memorandum is intended to describe the course inventory file (course catalog) of credit courses, maintained by the Office of the University Registrar, which have been authorized to be taught on this campus.


In addition, the procedures to be followed in adding, deleting, or changing any of the courses is included.

General Provisions

All courses authorized for degree credit must be approved by the appropriate school. Requests from a department, curriculum, or unit to add, revise, or inactivate courses are submitted electronically using the ConnectCarolina Course Request Approval System (CRAS).

Upon approval of a new course, inactivation of a course, or a change in number, abbreviated title, semester hour credit of a course, grade type, repeatability, crosslisting status, and/or General Education requirement/s at the department and career level, the course is reviewed for final approval by the Office of the University Registrar, where the information is posted to the ConnectCarolina course catalog.

Information in the Course Catalog

    1. Abbreviated Subject (e.g., ENGL)
    2. Course Number (e.g., ENGL 23) || See UPM #4
    3. Description ( Abbreviated title e.g., INTRO TO FICTION )
    4. Long Course Title
    5. Long Description (50 word max)
    6. Semester Hours Credit (e.g., 3.0)
    7. Grading Basis
    8. Repeatability (e.g., repeatable within term for 6 hours)
    9. Crosslistings
    10. General Education requirement/s

All new courses or changes in old courses should include these items.

Course Request Approval System (CRAS)

Although internal procedures for approving courses vary considerably, every course request requires faculty oversight. Each professional school and College of Arts and Sciences department, curriculum, or unit is responsible for appointing a course request submitter and a course request approver for the Course Request Approval System.

Faculty members assigned to the approver role should have the authority to confirm that any courses submitted to the system have successfully completed internal approval processes and meet the standards of the unit and university. The approver role is typically filled by a department chair or dean depending on the academic structure of the unit.

Once course requests have received department level approval they are forwarded for career level approval.

College of Arts and Sciences Approval

Course requests submitted with a career of UGRD (courses numbered below 700) are reviewed by the Office of Undergraduate Curricula before they are forwarded to the Office of the University Registrar. All new courses requested by departments in the College of Arts are reviewed by the Curriculum Committee of the General College and the College of Arts and Sciences. Requests from professional schools for new courses with General Education requirements or changes to courses with General Education requirements are also reviewed by the Curriculum Committee.

Any course request that has an impact on a College of Arts and Sciences major or minor will also be reviewed by the committee. College of Arts and Sciences and other undergraduate course requests are reported to and are approved by the Administrative Boards of the General College and the College of Arts and Sciences where appropriate.

Requests to add or revise an undergraduate curriculum — including majors, concentrations, and minors — are made to the Office of Undergraduate Curricula and reviewed by the Administrative Boards of the General College and the College of Arts and Sciences. In most cases, the academic department/unit must submit a cover sheet and departmental memo signed by the chair. All materials must be submitted by October 15 to be approved, effective with the fall semester, and included in the next University Catalog.

For more information about the submission and approval process, please contact the Office of Undergraduate Curricula.

The Graduate School Approval

All courses that are to be offered for graduate credit (career=GRAD and numbered above 700), are routed to the Graduate School for approval. Courses numbered in the Advanced Undergraduate/Graduate range (numbered 400-699) are reviewed by both the Office of Undergraduate Curricula and the Graduate School.

The Professional School Approval

Following department level approval, course requests submitted from professional schools with a career of MED, LAW, DENT, or PHCY are reviewed by career level approvers appointed by each of these units. Approval is by Administrative Board, or equivalent.

Documentation from internal approval processes is attached for the records of the Office of the University Registar.

Crosslisted Courses

All course changes that involve crosslisted courses must be coordinated with the other departments concerned. Most changes must be submitted by the sponsor department. Requisites for cross-listing courses in the ConnectCarolina course catalog are listed in the  cross-listing guidelines.

The basic catalog data below is included for each course in the inventory (ConnectCarolina course catalog).