UPM #6 – Intra-University Transfer of School, Major Field of Study, and Concurrent Enrollment
Effective Date: January 19, 2005
This procedure is designed to inform staff and faculty of the way in which a student may be transferred from one school or college on this campus to another, and to ensure that student records reflect the correct career, academic level, academic program (college and degree), and all plans or subplans, including those for any second major or minor.
Also, this procedure describes how to designate a student who is concurrently enrolled in a joint degree program, meaning the student has coursework located in two separate careers.
General Provisions
A form designed for these purposes is available from the University Registrar’s Office and in the office of each school or college.
The proper execution of this transaction serves two important purposes. First, it enables the University Registrar’s Office to input correct data to the student’s record (both for academic and billing purposes), and, second, it serves to document changes in the student’s individual record.
The process outlined below should only be required for students in a dual degree program or for any student who has not already gone through a formal intra-university admission process.
Intra-University Transfer and Major Field of study
Regularly enrolled students who decide to change their major program of study, which necessitates a transfer to one of the other schools or colleges in the University, should follow the procedures outlined below:
- Students should go to the office of the school or college in which they are currently enrolled and request transfer to the school or college in which the intended major program of study is located.
- Students should then contact the school or college in which the new major is located for approval and request assignment to an advisor.
- The Intra-University Transfer of School form should be obtained from the Office of the Dean of the school or college in which the student is presently enrolled. When properly filled out and signed, the form is submitted to the Office of the Dean of the college or school into which the student is transferring for appropriate signature. The form is then submitted to the University Registrar’s Office (Suite 3103, SASB North) for processing. Dean’s office personnel must include all of the “Academic Primary Program Information” (which can be obtained by looking at the student Program Plan page in ConnectCarolina) and specify the appropriate effective term(s). Signatures are required from both Dean’s Offices before the form will be processed.
NOTE: For dual degree programs, a student must have been admitted into a particular program at least once before an intra can take place. The intra form does not replace the admissions process. It is very important that all the information is filled out correctly on the form, particularly the Academic Program information. Having incorrect program or plan codes noted on the form can cause problems for students when a degree application is created.
If you have any questions about how the form should be completed, contact the University Registrar’s Office at (919) 962-3954.
Concurrent Enrollment
These procedures pertain to students who have been admitted into a joint degree program and whose coursework is located in two separate careers (i.e. Graduate and Law). School Registrars or departments should complete Part B on the form as soon as a student has been identified in a joint degree program (after term activation has taken place, but before a student registers).
The student must have been admitted into both academic programs initially before this process can take place. Signatures of both offices are required before the form will be processed.
- Circle all terms that need to be noted as concurrently enrolled and include the appropriate year; please note that if this form is received after the student’s academic program information has been activated into future terms, the student’s record will be updated accordingly.
- Indicate the “Academic career” (Dentistry, Graduate, Law, etc.) that should be considered the primary career for the term(s) in question. The primary career is usually considered to be the career in which the student is taking the most coursework.
- Schools/Departments must identify their students in joint degree programs; otherwise, it will cause problems when a student tries to register for their coursework in the appropriate career.
Important: If the academic career of a student is not properly identified, this can also potentially cause billing problems for the student.
Other Provisions
Regularly enrolled students who become academically ineligible to continue in residence, may not be admitted through Intra-University Transfer to any other school or college of the University.
- Students who are academically eligible but who have been absent from the University a portion of a semester or more, and who wish to change their program of study will apply for readmission through the Office of Admissions for transfer to the school or college in which the intended major program of study is located.
- Ineligible students who have been absent a portion of a semester or more, have become eligible and wish to change their program of study, will apply for readmission through the Office of Admissions for transfer to the school or college in which the intended major program of study is located.
- Students who complete the Spring Semester and are ineligible but restore eligibility prior to the beginning of the Fall Semester of that same year, do not need to be readmitted by the Admissions Office. Changes in the student’s program and plan are done in accordance with Section 2.
Intra-University Transfer of School, Major Field of Study, or Concurrent Enrollment Form