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Effective Date: June 2014

The purpose of this memorandum is to define a cancellation, a withdrawal, and a suspension and to describe the steps necessary to process each of them.

Once a student has registered and it becomes necessary to terminate the registration, there are three possible courses of action that may be taken. These are cancellation, withdrawal, and suspension. The one to be used depends upon the circumstances in each individual case.


A cancellation results in removal of all enrollments for the term. Cancellations are not noted on the permanent record. No tuition or fees are charged, but other charges related to attending the University are the responsibility of the student.

    1. A Registration Cancellation will be processed for any student who has not paid their tuition and fees or made arrangements by the due date set by Student Accounts. (See the Student Accounts calendar for specific dates). A Cancellation Notice will be emailed to your UNC Chapel Hill email address. Other holds that may also result in a cancellation include:
      • Being academically ineligible to continue in school
      • Having an Admissions hold, Deans Office hold, or Campus Health Services hold on his/her registration
    2. A Dean’s Office may authorize a cancellation by submitting the appropriate documentation to the University Registrar’s Office.
    3. A student may request to cancel their own registration before classes begin. Prior to the first day of classes, students who decide that they cannot or will not attend the University for a specified term may request to cancel their registration. Click here for more information on requesting a cancellation.
    4. The University will only cancel registration for students who have not attended any classes. If the term has begun, and you have never attended a single class, you must contact your Academic Adviser or Dean’s Office.


An official withdrawal occurs when you, as an enrolled student, decide you must leave the University in a given term once the term begins and you have attended at least one class.

If you must leave, you are required to notify the University through the withdrawal process and then cease attendance in all classes and/or academic activities. All students will be responsible for the tuition and fee charges associated with the class(es) and other charges related to attending the University. Please review the detailed instructions on this process.

Leaving the University without completing the official withdrawal process may result in the assignment of a temporary or failing course grade. An official withdrawal may facilitate readmission in a future term. In determining a student’s eligibility for readmission, please refer to the University Catalog. Students in professional programs, please contact your Dean’s Office.

Medical Withdrawal

If a student requests for Campus Health Services or Counseling and Psychological Services (CAPS) to initiate the withdrawal process on their behalf, they should contact those offices directly. For clarification of policies, students should contact their Academic Advisor or Dean’s Office. In general, a medical withdrawal is effective without grades and, if applicable, without a term in residence.

Academic Withdrawal

Retroactive Withdrawal

Once classes have ended for a term, approval would be required for a withdrawal. If there are medical/psychological reasons, Counseling and Psychological Services may authorize a withdrawal. For clarification of policies, students should contact their Academic Advisor or Dean’s Office.


Students may be suspended through the honor system for disciplinary infractions.

    1. The Office of the University Registrar will be notified by the Office of Student Affairs when a student has been suspended for disciplinary reasons.
    2. Suspensions will be processed generally in the same way as a medical withdrawal. The University Registrar will notify only the Cashier’s Office.  A “withdrawal letter” will not be forwarded by the University Registrar to the student, the student’s parents’ or any other office on campus. Internal notification regarding suspensions (except for the Cashier’s Office) is handled by the Office of Student Affairs.