University Catalog

University Catalog

The University Catalog

The Office of the University Registrar is the official publisher of the University Catalog . In cooperation with the Office of Undergraduate Curricula in the College of Arts & Sciences, the Graduate School and professional schools, the Catalog is published online each year on June 1; information in the Catalog is effective on the first day of classes of the fall term following each publication date.

The University Catalog consists of both the Undergraduate Catalog and the Graduate Catalog, and includes admissions standards and requirements, tuition and fees, financial aid information, academic and research resources, and program and course descriptions. The Undergraduate Catalog is the official source for undergraduate courses, curricula, degree requirements and policies.

Current Catalog Catalog Archive


Editing Information and Access

During approved times, updates to the University Catalog (undergraduate and graduate) will be made using the new online Catalog Management System (or “CAT” for short). All catalog pages will go through workflow for editing and approving.

The annual editing cycle of the Catalog begins in January and concludes in March. See the attached schedule: Annual Catalog Workflow Chart (PDF).

A quick guide for approvers is also available here (PDF).

To view your department’s current Catalog users, please review the CIM & CAT Roles page.

Requesting Access to Edit the Catalog

Only authorized deans, faculty and staff may make edits to the content of the Catalog. To request or update access for editors and approvers, please complete this form.

Looking to make changes to your scheduled course(s)?

The OUR Scheduling team handles all course scheduling-specific matters including, but not limited to, reserve capacity application on the section-level, scheduling of class sections (i.e. meeting patterns), and classroom selection. Their team can be reached directly via email at or submission of the following form.

Course Edit

Requests to add, revise or inactivate courses are submitted through Curriculum Inventory Management (CIM).

To view information about special courses and attributes maintained within Connect Carolina by the Registrar’s Curriculum team, please visit Special Courses and Attributes.


Non-Course Curricular Edits

New, revised, or inactivated degree programs, majors, minors, concentrations and certificates must be approved by the appropriate dean(s) in the college or school.

  • In the College of Arts and Sciences, the Office of Undergraduate Curricula manages and approves requests for new and changes in undergraduate programs, majors, minors, concentrations and certificates.
  • Programs in The Graduate School wishing to make non-course-related curriculum changes should contact The Graduate School (Stephanie Schmitt) to determine an appropriate timeline for review and approval. Substantial curriculum changes will be reviewed by the Academic Policy Committee of The Graduate School, including revising core curricular requirements, adding new tracks or concentrations, and revising or creating new thesis substitutes.

Language Standards

To maintain consistency in the Catalog, specific guidelines have been established for language style and usage in the Catalog.

Catalog Team

Undergraduate Catalog

Graduate Catalog

Catalog Editor

2025 The University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill