Graduate Curriculum Revisions, including course requests numbered above 700
- For graduate programs in The Graduate School there is an annual January 15 deadline for all requests to add, revise, or inactivate courses for the upcoming academic year(i.e., next year’s fall, spring, and summer terms). The annual January 15 deadline for course changes assures that they will be included in the next year’s edition of the University Catalog.
- Course requests can be submitted after January 15 and will be reviewed as efficiently as possible. However, they may not be posted to the ConnectCarolina course catalog in time to be scheduled for an upcoming semester and may not be included in the University Catalog until the following year. Please see the CIM Deadline Calendar for firm deadlines on course changes.
- Programs wishing to make non-course related curriculum changes should contact The Graduate School (Stephanie Schmitt) to determine an appropriate timeline for review and approval. Substantial curriculum changes will be reviewed by the Academic Policy Committee of The Graduate School, including revising core curricular requirements, adding new tracks or concentrations, and revising or creating new thesis substitutes.