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  • Important: All submissions must be received by the Office of the Registrar no later than 5:00 P.M. on March 6, 2023.

  • (Large Groups should be sub-divided. For instance, Student Athletes should be sorted by sport.)
  • Max. file size: 98 MB.
    1. Include a list of the students you are recommending:

    -- Name and PID
    -- Classification (Fr, So, Jr, Sr)
    -- Does each recommended student travel for competition? (Y or N)

    1. Include the rationale for requesting early registration appointments for your students. In response to requests from past participants, the Committee is providing the following list of types of information the Committee has used in past reviews:

    -- Are all students on the list affected the same way by the scheduling issues?
    -- Are there required activities that make it difficult for students to schedule courses between 8 am and 5 pm, Monday-Friday? Please include information about scheduling labs during those hours but also outside of those hours if it is applicable.
    -- Are your students required to take any specific coursework for their activity? When are those courses offered?
    -- Why are practices scheduled when they are scheduled? Are there issues related to availability of facilities? Is this a temporary situation?
    -- Do members of the cohort participate in all activities or do they rotate?
    -- Do your students have a required study table? When?
    -- Is this a competing season? How are demands on students different during competing and non-competing semesters?

    1. If submitting for an athletic team, include the Schedule for Required Practice and Competition with travel itineraries. If not submitting for an athletic team, please include as much information as possible about scheduled mandatory events and time restrictions on your students’ schedules.
    2. Include a sample student weekly calendar. When you mark large blocks of time for weights or conditioning, etc., indicate how much time is required.
    3. If you are not requesting early registration appointments for all students in your group, please include the rationale for the students included in the request.

    In your submission of information, please be as detailed as possible. Remember that the PRAC members have varying levels of knowledge about your students’ activities. The members will review only the information given to them and will have to use their best judgment if there is a lack of information.