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UNC-Chapel Hill is considered the home institution of students enrolled in a degree-seeking program at the university. The host institution is the university students are visiting through enrollment in the interinstitutional program.

Graduate and Professional Students


  • Fall and Spring Terms
    Students may enroll for up to two courses per term, provided they are also registered for at least three credit hours at UNC-Chapel Hill.
  • Summer Terms
    One course per summer session term, provided they are also registered for at least three credit hours at UNC-Chapel Hill. NOTE: Due to the rigorous nature of Maymester courses, UNC-Chapel Hill students participating in Maymester are not allowed to enroll in another course within Summer Session I.

Course Level

Graduate/Professional students are not permitted to register for any undergraduate level courses. Only courses in the following scheme are eligible to count toward graduate degree requirements at UNC-Chapel Hill.

Duke – 500 and above
NCCU – 4000 and above
NCSU – 500 and 700
UNC-C – 5000 and above
UNC-G – 500 and above

Required Approval

Graduate and Professional students must obtain approval from their Academic Advisor to enroll in a course through the interinstitutional agreement.

Undergraduate Students


  • Fall and Spring Terms
    Students may enroll in one interinstitutional course per term, provided they are registered for at least the remaining 9 hours for a full-time load (totaling 12 credit hours including the interinstitutional course for undergraduates).
  • Summer Terms
    One course per summer session term, provided they are also registered for at least three credit hours at UNC-Chapel Hill. NOTE: Due to the rigorous nature of Maymester courses, UNC-Chapel Hill students participating in Maymester are not allowed to enroll in another course within Summer Session I.

Course Level

Undergraduate students may enroll for undergraduate and graduate level courses.

Required Approval

Undergraduate students must obtain approval from their Academic Advisor and Academic Dean’s Office to enroll in a course through the interinstitutional agreement.

Online Courses

Remote course enrollment through the interinstitutional program is offered at the discretion of the host institution. Review of their visiting student policies prior to submission of the interinstitutional request is strongly recommended.


The University Cashier will bill the student for all courses taken (including interinstitutional courses) at the prevailing tuition rate of UNC-Chapel Hill. The host institution will not bill the student unless there is a special fee associated with a particular course. In such a case, the student must pay the fee to the host institution directly.

Grading and Grade Reporting

A student taking a course by interinstitutional registration will be graded in accordance with the grading system of the institution where the course is taken. Grades will be converted to the UNC grading system prior to being recorded on the academic record. Students are not allowed to register for interinstitutional classes on a Pass/Fail basis under any circumstance.


  • Approval Form: UNC-Chapel Hill students wishing to take courses at any of the participating interinstitutional universities must complete the Interinstitutional Approval Form. (This form is interactive, so you can complete the information directly on the form and then print it by using the “Print Form” button.)
    Note: Instructor approval for registration of the course is recommended.
  • Request Submission:
    Once the interinstitutional form has been completed and signed, the student’s program must submit it to the Office of the University Registrar via Students must be registered for at least the minimum number of credit hours for interinstitutional eligibility prior to submission of the request. The full-time unit load maximum for the student’s program cannot be exceeded with the addition of the interinstitutional course without additional approval from their program.
  • Deadline
    The deadline to submit an interinstitutional request to the Office of the University Registrar coincides with the last day for students to add courses to their schedule in ConnectCarolina as noted on the Academic Calendar. If a student is interested in a course that begins after this deadline, due to differing University schedules, or separate modules that the course is being offered in, the deadline will be the fifth day after the start of that class. Start dates will be verified with the institution offering the course.
  • Course Registration
    After approval from Special Enrollment has been granted, a copy of the student’s completed Interinstitutional Approval Form will be sent to the registrar’s office of the host institution. Once their registration date for visiting students opens, they will attempt to register them for their desired course(s). Confirmation of enrollment status is sent to the student and Special Enrollment from the host institution. After successful enrollment is confirmed, a placeholder is added to the student’s UNC-Chapel Hill record in ConnectCarolina for the designated number of credit hours.
    o Important: Registration for a requested course must be confirmed by the visiting institution for enrollment to be complete. Interinstitutional courses cannot be added on a post-semester basis for any reason.
  • Course Drop
    All interinstitutional drop requests must be directed to to ensure the host institution is notified appropriately and the placeholder is dropped from the student’s record on both ends. Processing an interinstitutional drop directly through the teaching department or an academic advisor can result in a failing grade at the host institution.


Host Institution Resources

Duke University



North Carolina Central University

North Carolina State University