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The following guidelines were developed to assist department scheduling officers with assigning instructor roles, grading access, and workload percentages in the Schedule of Classes page in ConnectCarolina. Questions can be sent to the Scheduling Office at scheduling_office@unc.edu.

    • Class Component Types DescriptionSection Numbers
      LectureA class in which an instructor presents the main body of course material.001-299 (on-campus)
      01M-09M (Maymester)
      Laboratory (Lab)A class where the lecture material is applied in small group situations such as experiments, assignments, and projects. Labs usually meet for 2-3 hours per week.400-599
      RecitationA small discussion class designed to reinforce main ideas from lectures and offer more individualized attention to students.600-850

      Note: For a full list of section numbers and their uses, please refer to University Policy Memorandum #4.

    • Instructional RolesDescription
      Primary InstructorThe individual with primary teaching and grading responsibility for a component. This includes a lecture, lab or recitation component. This individual should always have the majority (80% or more) of the workload.
      Secondary InstructorUsed infrequently. The individual has less than 50% of the overall teaching and grading responsibility for a component.
      Teaching AssistantNormally a graduate student with grading and/or administrative responsibilities for a component, but no responsibility for instruction.

      Note: Graduate students with primary teaching responsibility for a lab or recitation should be coded as “Primary Instructor” for that section.

    • Administrative RolesDescription
      Proxy or Dean DesignateAdministrative role with no teaching responsibility. Allows user to enter grades on behalf of a primary instructor.

      Note: Rarely used. Staff such as Student services managers (SSMs) should not be listed as proxies. SSMs can access class rolls through the Curriculum Management tab in ConnectCarolina. Instructors can also add staff to the class Canvas or Sakai site manually if necessary.

    • Access TypesDescription
      ApproveMost inclusive access; ability to enter and approve grades. Each graded section must have at least one approver. Only primary instructors and dean designates can be given approval access.
      Grade Ability to enter grades. Only access available to Teaching Assistant, Secondary Instructor and Proxy roles.


All active sections that have enrolled students must include a primary instructor of record. Additional instructors can be added in the below configurations according to the department’s needs. The total instructional role workload for any component should not exceed 100%.

    • FunctionComponentInstructor RoleAccessWorkloadPotential Job Titles
      InstructorLecturePrimary InstructorApprove100% Prof (all), Lecturer, Grad Teaching Fellow
    • FunctionComponentInstructor RoleAccessWorkloadPotential Job Titles
      Main InstructorLecturePrimary InstructorApprove90%Prof (all), Lecturer, Grad Teaching Fellow
      Limited instructorLectureSecondary InstructorGrade10% Prof (all), Lecturer, Grad Teaching Fellow

    • FunctionComponentInstructor RoleAccessWorkloadPotential Job Titles
      Main InstructorLecturePrimary InstructorApprove90% Prof (all), Lecturer, Grad Teaching Fellow
      AssistantLectureTeaching AssistantGrade5%Grad Teaching Assistant
      AssistantLectureTeaching AssistantGrade5%Grad Teaching Assistant
    • FunctionComponentInstructor RoleAccessWorkloadPotential Job Titles
      Main InstructorLecturePrimary InstructorApprove100%Prof (all), Lecturer, Grad Teaching Fellow
      InstructorLab/Recitation 1Primary InstructorGrade100%Grad Teaching Assistant
      InstructorLab/Recitation 2Primary InstructorGrade100%Grad Teaching Assistant

      Note: Primary instructors of the lecture component are not required to be listed on the lab/recitation components. If lecture instructors want access to recitation sections, they should be listed on the recitation as “Secondary instructor” with “Approve” access and a 1% Workload.

    • FunctionComponentInstructor RoleAccessWorkloadPotential Job Titles
      Main InstructorLecturePrimary InstructorApprove100%Prof (all), Lecturer, Grad Teaching Fellow
      Lab DirectorLab/Recitation 1Secondary InstructorApprove10%Various
      InstructorLab/Recitation 1Primary InstructorGrade90%Grad Teaching Assistant
      Lab DirectorLab/Recitation 2Secondary InstructorApprove10%Various
      InstructorLab/Recitation 2Primary InstructorGrade90%Grad Teaching Assistant

      Note: The workload percentage for a lab director should be 10% for each section. The combined total percentage does not need to equal 100%

    • FunctionComponentInstructor RoleAccessWorkloadPotential Job Titles
      Main InstructorLecturePrimary InstructorApprove98%Prof (all), Lecturer, Grad Teaching Fellow
      Grade Entry LectureProxyGrade1%Grad Teaching Assistant
      Grade Entry LectureProxyGrade1%Grad Teaching Assistant
      InstructorLab/Recitation 1Primary InstructorGrade100%Grad Teaching Assistant
      InstructorLab/Recitation 2Primary InstructorGrade100%Grad Teaching Assistant

      Note: It is not recommended to include graduate students as TA’s on the lecture component if they also have responsibility for recitation/lab sections. If a lecture association is desired, you may include them as proxies with a 1% workload each.

Sakai and Canvas Access

    • Yes, roles in ConnectCarolina will transfer into Sakai and Canvas automatically. Sakai syncs three times a day. Canvas syncs hourly.
    • Yes, but this should only be used after Connect Carolina closes in a semester. In Sakai, the Instructor role can add a Teaching Assistant or Instructor to the site; however, for TAs there are additional steps to allow full grading access. In Canvas, a Teacher role can add any user with an active ONYEN in the role of Teaching Assistant or Teacher. When manually adding TAs to Sakai and Canvas, Instructors are taking responsibility for adherence to FERPA.
    • Yes, in Sakai there are Instructors and Teaching Assistants. In Canvas, there are Teachers and Teaching Assistants. Other roles also exist, but these are the primary instructional roles. Instructors/Teachers have a higher level of access than Teaching Assistants.
2025 The University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill