Military Benefits Update
Military Benefits Update
As a member of the armed services, the North Carolina National Guard or a military dependent, if you do not qualify as a North Carolina resident-for-tuition-purposes, you may still be eligible to pay a reduced tuition rate if you meet the eligibility requirements for the Military Tuition Benefit (N.C.Gen.Stat. Sec. 116-143.3).
Note: The Benefit only determines the amount of tuition you pay. You must still qualify academically for admission.
You can get a Military Tuition Benefit application form at any UNC-CH admissions office or online.
The completed military benefits application form, along with all required affidavits, must be received by your admissions office before the first day of classes of your first term of enrollment. This is an absolute deadline, and it cannot be waived.
To be eligible for the Military Tuition Benefit as a member of the armed services, you must
- Be a member of the US Air Force, US Army, US Coast Guard, US Marine Corps, US Navy, North Carolina National Guard, or a member of a reserve component of one of these services
- Be on active duty, be stationed on permanent status in NC
NOTE: Members of reserve components are not eligible for the Benefit unless they have been called up for active duty, except North Carolina National Guard members on reserve status.
Before you give the admissions office your completed Military Tuition Benefit application, you must attach the following affidavit from an appropriate military authority:
- An affidavit attesting to your duty status, PCS orders, and location (a copy of your military orders will not satisfy this requirement)
NOTE: Appropriate military authorities include commanding officers, payroll office administrators, base education officers, and similar authorities. You cannot sign the affidavit.
To qualify for the Military Tuition Benefit as a military dependent, you must
- Be the military dependent of a member of the armed services who is stationed in North Carolina (PCS orders) on active duty
- Be living with that service member
- Be registered with the Selective Service System, if you are a male between the ages of 18 and 26
Under North Carolina General Statue Section (G.S.) 116-143.3A certain veterans and other individuals entitled to federal education benefits under 38 U.S.C. Chapter 30 or 38 U.S.C. Chapter 33 may be eligible to be charged the in-state tuition rate and applicable mandatory fees for enrollment without satisfying the 12-month residency requirement under G.S. 116-143.1.
A veteran is a person who served active duty for not less than 90 days in the Armed Forces, the Commissioned Corps of the U.S. Public Health Service, or the National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration and who was discharged or released from such service under conditions other than dishonorable.
For a veteran to qualify:
- The veteran applies for admission to the institution of higher education and enrolls within three years of the veteran’s discharge or release from the Armed Forces, the Commissioned Corps of the U.S. Public Health Service, or the National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration.
- The veteran qualifies for and uses educational benefits pursuant to 38 U.S.C. 31 Chapter 30 (Montgomery G.I. Bill Active Duty Education Assistance Program) or 38 U.S.C. Chapter 33 (Post-9/11 Educational Assistance).
- The veteran’s abode is in North Carolina.
- The veteran provides the institution of higher education at which the veteran intends to enroll a letter of intent to establish residence in North Carolina.
Any person who is the spouse or a dependent relative of a veteran is also eligible to be charged the in-State tuition rate and applicable mandatory fees for enrollment without satisfying the 12-month residency requirement under 6 G.S. 116-143.1, if the person meets all of the following criteria:
- The person qualifies for admission to the institution of higher education as defined in G.S. 116-143.1(a)(3) and enrolls in the institution of higher education within three years of the veteran’s discharge or release from the Armed Forces, the Commissioned Corps of the U.S. Public Health Service, or the National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration.
- The person is the recipient of transferred federal educational benefits pursuant to 38 U.S.C. Chapter 30 (Montgomery G.I. Bill Active Duty 14 Education Assistance Program) or 38 U.S.C. Chapter 33 (Post-9/11 Educational Assistance).
- The person’s abode is in North Carolina.
- The person provides the institution of higher education at which the person intends to enroll a letter of intent to establish residence in North Carolina.
Amount and Duration of the Benefit for Military Dependents
Military dependents who qualify for the Military Tuition Benefit pay the in-state tuition rate.
If you have been ruled eligible for the Benefit and the service member through whom you qualify is transferred out of North Carolina during that academic year, you will continue to get the Benefit if you are continually enrolled.
Before you give the admissions office your completed Military Tuition Benefit application, you must attach an affidavit from the appropriate military authority that:
- Says you are the military dependent of a service member (If the affidavit does not say “military dependent” it is unacceptable.)
- Gives the name of the service member
- Says that the service member through whom you claim the Benefit is on active duty stationed in North Carolina on PCS
NOTE: The affidavit must be signed by an “appropriate military authority.” This includes commanding officers, payroll office administrators, and base education officers.
Important: You cannot sign the affidavit, and the service member through whom you claim the Benefit cannot sign the affidavit.
If you are attending a North Carolina high school when you apply for admission to UNC-CH, and if you are eligible for the Military Tuition Benefit, you will be considered a resident for admissions purposes.
Get in touch with the Office of Undergraduate Admissions for more information and to receive a copy of the form.
Members per above who qualify for the military tuition benefit will pay the in-state tuition rate and all mandatory fees.
Also, if the service member transferred out of North Carolina, but continues his/her enrollment status, he/she will continue to pay the in-state tuition rate (see statute for complete text).