Term Cancellation

Term Cancellation

A cancellation results in removal of all enrollments for the term and no record of enrollment appears on your official transcript. The University will only cancel registration for students who have not attended any classes in a term. A withdrawal occurs when you, as an enrolled student, decide you must leave the University in a given term once the term begins and you have attended or participated in at least one class.

  • Has the term you wish to cancel already started?

Term Cancellation Form

Current students may request a registration cancellation prior to the first day of classes by logging into the form with their UNC-Chapel Hill onyen login credentials. New students are required to cancel their first term through their Admissions Office.

Cancelling your term after classes have started

The term cancellation form is disabled after the deadline of 11:59pm the day before classes begin. You may still request a term cancellation as long as you have not attended any classes. Contact your Academic Advisor or Academic Dean’s Office to initiate your request. Please note you will need to provide verification of non-attendance from each professor before approval may be considered.


Plan Your Return

Review the directions and term deadlines for readmission to your academic program in advance to prepare for your return to campus. Questions about this process should be directed to your respective Admissions Office. We look forward to having you back!

UPM #7 - Cancellation, Withdrawal and Suspension

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UPM #16 – Leave of Absence (LOA)

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Withdraw from UNC

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2024 The University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill