UPM #25 – Robertson Scholars Program

UPM #25 - Robertson Scholars Program

Effective Date: July 2014

This publication explains the steps for enrolling Robertson Scholars in courses at Duke University.

The Robertson Scholars Program is a joint undergraduate scholarship program between Chapel Hill and Duke University. There are coordinating staff on each campus to help administer the program, including academic advising for the students. Eighteen students are admitted as Robertson Scholars each year on each campus. During the spring semester of their sophomore year, students from each campus will live on and take courses at the other campus. Students will be expected to complete at least five courses at the other campus. They can enroll in more if they choose.

A guiding principle will be that the host campus treats the visiting Robertson Scholars students as if they were regular degree students throughout their four years. These students are taking courses on both campuses because it is a requirement for the scholarship that is imposed by the institutions.

  • The UNC student should follow the policies and approval process and complete a Robertson Scholars Cross Campus Course Approval Form. The purpose of the form is to confirm that this student is a Robertson Scholar, establish the number of hours the student intends to enroll for at the other institution, and indicate that the course selection is approved by the adviser and Dean for the student’s program, and transmit the appropriate personal data, including classification and major to the visited institution that is necessary for establishing a term record.
  • The completed form will be faxed to the UNC-Chapel Hill Office of the University Registrar by the student’s Dean’s Office.
  • The UNC Chapel Hill Office of the University Registrar will forward a copy of the form to the officials at Duke, either by email attachment or fax.
  • The Office of the University Registrar at UNC will enter an assigned ROBT course on the student’s term record to indicate the credit hours of coursework to be taken at Duke. The student must indicate the correct Duke course credits in order for the UNC office to enter the correct UNC credit hours for the assigned ROBT course. There is no limit (other than  the student’s overall credit limit) on the number of courses that can be taken in a semester.
  • The Duke University Registrar’s Office sets up a term record for the student and notifies the student of the time for registration and procedures for enrolling in the course. The notification can be done by email or regular mail.
  • The student uses the Duke registration system and enrolls themselves in the course or courses.
  • See the Robertson Scholars Cross Campus Course Approval Form for specific instructions on policy and procedures.
  • The UNC Chapel Hill Office of the University Registrar receives the Robertson Scholars Cross Campus Course Approval form from Duke through either email or by fax.
  • The student record is activated in the UNC Chapel Hill student system using the quick admit process. The student is admitted as a Visitor (VS) with a first major of Robertson Scholar (ROBT), a second major matching their Duke major, and a classification matching their Duke classification. (i.e. VS ROBT FR).
  • A term record is created and registration appointment time is assigned according to their classification.
  • A PIN number is assigned. The PIN is the same as the one they use when registering at Duke.
  • The student is mailed a notification by email of their PID, registration appointment date/time, and instructions for registration.
  • All Duke Robertson students are to be granted full access to UNC activities as if they were full time enrolled UNC students whether or not they are actually enrolled in UNC courses. To accomplish this, all Duke Robertson students will be enrolled every semester in a UNC course ROBT102 for zero credit hours. This will allow all Duke Robertson Scholars to be reported as active students for purposes of the UNC1 Card, athletic events, and libraries.

Students will be billed by their home institution for all the courses taken (including interinstitutional courses) at the prevailing tuition rate.

Statistical Reporting”]Visiting students will not be included in the head count or full-time equivalent count of students enrolled at the University. Conversely, the credit hours for UNC students will include the interinstitutional hours taken at Duke.

  • A student taking a course through cross campus registration will be graded in the course in accordance with the grading system of the institution where the course is taken and converted in accordance to the grading system of the home institution. The identification of the institution and course will be in the space where the descriptive title is normally shown.
  • The visited institution will forward the grades of the visiting students to the home institution at the end of the semester.
  • UNC students can not elect to be graded Pass/Fail unless the course is offered only as a Pass/Fail course. Students are limited to enrolling in two Duke courses with Pass/Fail grading for their entire undergraduate program.
2025 The University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill