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UPM #5 – Registration/Drop/Add and Class Rolls

UPM #5 - Registration/Drop/Add and Class Rolls

Effective Date: August 23, 2011

This memorandum outlines the registration process, drop/add, section and hour changes, and class rolls.

All students in a class are required to be officially registered before being permitted to attend classes. Official registration includes being admitted by a proper admissions office and registering in accordance with the procedures established for the term in which the student is registering. A complete admission to and registration in the University includes, among other things, classification as to residence and submission of the required medical history form.

Failure to complete these or any other part of the admission or registration procedure will make a registration incomplete and subject to immediate termination.

Important: It is the responsibility of each student to know the requirements for the degree that is being sought and to ensure that these requirements are met. Students should refer to the courses offered prior to each registration period. Academic advisers are available in all schools and departments.

Students are urged to consult with their advisers prior to registration about all matters relating to the degree program and degree requirements. Students and advisers can also access this information through the Tar Heel Tracker, the University’s degree audit system that is currently available for undergraduate degree programs.

  1. An Email message directing students to his/her ConnectCarolina Student Center for registration information is sent to all continuing, new, transfer, and readmitted students usually around the first week of March for the summer/fall terms and the last week of September for the spring term. As new, transfer, and readmitted students are cleared for admission to the University, an email message will be sent at that time. The following registration information can be found in the Student Center in ConnectCarolina:
    • Enrollment appointment date/time
    • University holds information
    • Advisor Approval Required hold, if applicable (based on School/Department policy)
    • Student’s schedule
  2. If a hold is reflected under the Holds section of the ConnectCarolina Student Center, the student must clear the hold with the office listed before they will be able to register. By clicking on the “details” link a student can obtain information about the hold including the name of the office that placed the hold and the actions that the student needs to take to have the hold removed.  NOTE: Students in Law (JD), Medical (MD), Dental (DDS), first-year Business (MBA) and Pharmacy (PharmD) programs will be initially registered by their school registrars. Students in these programs should contact their school registrar for registration information and schedule revision procedures.
  3. In accordance with a school/department’s advising policy, students may need to schedule an appointment to see their adviser prior to their registration appointment date in order to plan their schedule.
  4. Once a student’s appointment date has arrived, they can register via the ConnectCarolina Student Center.
  5. Students must pay or defer their tuition and fees before the deadline or their registration will be canceled.
  6. Once a student registers, they can immediately print a class schedule through his/her ConnectCarolina Student Center. Address and other personal information can be updated in the my.unc.edu student portal, by clicking the “Update Personal Information” link.  Important: New first year and transfer students should refer to the NSCPP Office for information about orientation sessions and registration.

After their initial registration, students may add courses using the registration system through the fifth day of the semester. After this time period, the addition of a course to a student’s schedule requires the permission of the course instructor or the department concerned.

  • Students must obtain a Registration/Drop/Add Form from a department or their School (or Advising) Dean’s Office with the appropriate signatures. Undergraduate and graduate students are required to have their school dean’s signature when registering for the first time or making any course additions after the last day to add a course and end of late registration.
  • Deans will only approve registration or course additions after the last day to add for truly exceptional circumstances.
  • Once the form is completed, with the appropriate signatures, it is submitted to the Registrar’s Office (Suite 3100, SASB North) on the day of issuance.
  • After their initial registration, until the tenth day of a semester (or three days of a summer session) students may drop a course using the registration system; however, undergraduate students are responsible for insuring that any registration schedule changes do not result in less than a twelve-academic hour semester registration (one-hour Physical Education Activity [PHYA] courses are not counted as academic hours).
  • Between the first ten days of a semester and the eighth week of classes (Spring, Fall) and between the first three days and the second week of classes (Summer Sessions), undergraduate students may drop courses only with the approval of their academic adviser or dean. If permission is granted, the academic adviser or dean will complete a Registration/Drop/Add Form that must be submitted by the student to the Registrar’s Office (Suite 3100, SASB North) on the date of issuance. After that time, undergraduate students must petition to drop courses through the Dean’s office of the school in which they are enrolled.
  • Between the first ten days of a semester and the fourteenth week of classes (Spring, Fall) and between the three days and the third week of classes (Summer Sessions), graduate students may drop courses only with the approval of their academic adviser. After that time, both the adviser and the appropriate Graduate School dean’s signatures are required if it is a Graduate School administered program, otherwise, signature required from appropriate Dean’s Office by checking with the Student Services Manager.

Please visit the Office of the University Registrar’s Academic Calendar for specific dates.

Section and hour changes can be made through the registration system until the last day to add. After that date, these changes must take place using a Registration/Drop/Add Form. Section changes only require the approval of the teaching department. Hour changes, however, require the dean’s approval.

Please visit the Office of the University Registrar’s Academic Calendar for specific dates.

2025 The University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill