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Introducing the new Class Search Tool! This registration tool is a streamlined and user-friendly class search experience designed specifically for first-year students. Here’s how you can make the most out of this new feature:

How to Use:

  • Scroll Through the List:
    Classes are sorted alphabetically by Course Name.
  • Search Courses:
    Use the “Search Courses” field to filter by subject, description, days, times, locations, and other class details.

Course Types Included:

  • Lectures (LEC)
  • Recitations (REC)
  • Labs (LAB)

Note: this list is not exhaustive of all courses available to first-year students for the Fall term. The general Class Search tool and course search engine in ConnectCarolina will provide a complete and up-to-date listing of all available classes.

Viewing Reserved Seats:

  • Click on an Individual Course:
    View the number of seats reserved for first-year students in each registration period.
  • Open Enrollment:
    Any seats not taken during an individual registration period will be added to the Open Enrollment seats for the specific course. Be sure to check back here before Open Enrollment begins on August 2!

Enjoy exploring your course options and preparing for your first semester at UNC!