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The upload process requires a CSV (comma delimited) file with four columns:

  • Column A: Student PID (required and in this column)
  • Column B: Optional (may include student first/last name or left blank)
  • Column C: Optional (may include student first/last name or left blank)
  • Column D: Grade (required and in this column)

To create/save a grade file for uploading into a grade roster:

Step 1: Download data from Grade Roster

To create the Grade File from the Grade Roster, click the Download button at the bottom of the roster.

Open the downloaded file in Excel.

Download the data from the grade rosterStep 2: Convert the file for compatibility

The Excel grade file must now be converted for compatibility with the upload process.

  1. Highlight and delete the header row (Row 1)
  2. Highlight and delete the Program and Plan and Level columns (E and F).

Convert the file for compatibility

The file should now have data in Columns A and B (PID and student last name/first name).[/toggle]

Student name data is not required for the Grade Upload process. However, if it is preferable to preserve student names, the last/first name must be separated into Columns B and C. To separate, use the Convert Text to Columns function in Excel.

Step 3: Convert Text to Columns

  1. Highlight Column B
  2. From the Data menu of Excel, choose Text to Columns.

Select text to columns from the data menu

  1. Select the Delimited radio button in the convert text to columns wizard box and click Next.

select the delimited radio button

  1. Check Comma as the delimiter and click Finish

check the comma as the delimiter

  1. Click OK to confirm overwriting the contents of Column C (currently blank).

Resulting file should now be formatted as:

  • Column A: Student PID
  • Column B: Student last name
  • Column C: Student first name
  • Column D: Available for grade assignment

Step 4: Enter Grades into Column D

  • Manually input grades into Column D.
  • While any value can be entered onto the spreadsheet, only a valid grade will successfully upload. For example, if a graduate “H” grade is assigned for an undergraduate student, no grade will upload for that student.

Step 5: Save Grade File

Once satisfied with the grades, chose Save As and save the file as a CSV (comma delimited) file.

For Mac/Excel users, select CSV (Comma Delimited) from the Save as Type dropdown box.  Name the File as appropriate.

Save As Grade Roster

The Grade File is now ready to upload into the Grade Roster.